By Long Distance Dan,
I've lost track of how many albums PE has released now, but this their latest is definitely the best of recent times. Sadly whenever I hear a new PE album, I can't help but compare it to their first 3 albums, and as these 3 albums are some of the best hip hop albums ever, they can never truly compare. But here they have hooked up with Paris, and as you would expect this has had a dramatic effect on the Public Enemy sound. The production, by Paris, is straight out of the West Coast, but still sound hard as you like, and Chuck sounds angrier than ever, I guess he's got good reason sadly.
The album features many guests including old PE cohorts Professor Griff and Sister Souljah, but also others such as ex-NWA member MC Ren, Dead Prez, Kam and of course Paris. Whereas guest spots can often seem an easy way for rappers to do very little work, the guests here improve this album and make it a more interesting and varied listen. As I have said, it's never going to be as good as It Takes A Nation Of Millions, but if you are after some funky hip hop with a strong political, then look no further. Proof Chuck D and the crew still have something to say and are still relevant in music today.